With United Voice, Pharmacy Urges Congress to Pass PBM Reforms in Joint Letter

Dec 04, 2024 · Advocacy

December 4, 2024

NASP, alongside a coalition of organizations representing pharmacies and pharmacists across all practice settings, released a statement today urging Speaker Johnson, Minority Leader Jeffries, Majority Leader Schumer, and Minority Leader McConnell to send vital PBM reforms to the President’s desk’s this year.

The multi-association coalition, made up of the following groups — the National Association of Specialty Pharmacy, the National Association of Chain Drug Stores, the National Community Pharmacists Association, the American Pharmacists Association, FMI – The Food Industry Association, the National Grocers Association, the National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations, and Independent Pharmacy Cooperative — stated the following in their letter:

“We write – firmly united – as pharmacies and pharmacists across all practice settings.

We extend our deepest gratitude and strongest encouragement for the U.S. Congress’ continued bipartisan scrutiny of the practices of some market-dominant pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) middlemen that inflate Americans’ prescription drug costs, force pharmacy closures, and block access to Americans’ pharmacies of choice.

Speaking with one voice, we also urge the U.S. Congress to send to the President’s desk this year the must-pass PBM reforms in Medicare and Medicaid that would at long last confront these harmful practices, and that have advanced on a bipartisan basis in the U.S. House of Representatives (H.R. 5378, the “Lower Costs, More Transparency Act”) and the Senate Finance Committee (S. 2973, the Modernizing and Ensuring PBM Accountability (MEPA) Act” and S.3430, the “Better Mental Health Care, Lower-Cost Drugs, and Extenders (BETTER) Act of 2023”).”

Click here to read the full statement.