NASP is the only national association representing all specialty pharmacy industry stakeholders, amplifying our member’s collective voices through a multi-pronged, coordinated effort designed to educate, advocate, and affect positive change with congressional and administrative policy makers, elected officials, key congressional staffers, aligned pharmacy, and healthcare and patient advocacy associations.
Engage with NASP membership voices through a coordinated effort to train, deploy and release NASP members as public speakers, authors of editorials, participants in trade and public policy forums and frequent D.C- based face to face meetings with the influencers and powers to be that can facilitate change.
Resources for Members
- Receive the NASP Washington Update newsletter prepared for NASP members by Powers Pyles Sutter & Verville PC. This newsletter is sent to members to keep abreast of what is happening in Washington, to advise you of ways that you can get involved, and to provide you with updates on our grassroots advocacy efforts. Newsletters are also saved on our website and can be accessed by logging into the membership portal and clicking on the Washington Update tab.
- The Govpredict grassroots tool amplifies our collective voice as we work to develop actionable solutions to the issues that matter most. This easy to use web-based platform matches you to your respective elected officials and enables you to contact them directly.
Action for Members
- Join the Government Affairs Committee to identify issues that significantly impact NASP members and specialty pharmacy stakeholders, develop position statements and responses to educate and advocate on behalf of specialty pharmacy stakeholders. Learn more here.
- Apply to be a NASP Policy Council Member to focus on policy development and effectively articulate positions on policy matters NASP currently engages with and develop policy positions where needed. Council members are also responsible for identifying policy areas for engagement, so its activities are both proactive and reactive. All council members are selected from an application and review process.
Public Policy Advocacy
NASP continually collaborates with partnering organizations to amplify your voice and support all specialty pharmacy stakeholders though public policy advocacy and education.
View NASP’s Public Policy Advocacy efforts
NASP Resources
What is Specialty Pharmacy? NASP Definitions of Specialty Pharmacy and Specialty Medications
A Tangled Web: An Examination of the Drug Supply and Payment Chains
Announcements and Policies
- HHS ANPRM on the IPI Model for Medicare Part B Drugs
- Medicare Program 2019 Policy and Technical Changes
- Announcement of Calendar Year 2019 Medicare Advantage Capitation Rates and Medicare Advantage and Part D Payment Policies and Final Call Letter
- CMS Finalizes Policy Changes and Updates for Medicare Advantage and the Prescription Drug Benefit Program for Contract Year 2019 (CMS-4182-F)
- 2019 Medicare Advantage and Part D Rate Announcement and Call Letter
- CMS Proposed Rule on Part D – November 16, 2017
- DIR Fees Increase Medicare Beneficiary and Medicare Program Costs for Specialty Drugs
- Any Willing Pharmacy (AWP) Changes Are Needed to Improve Beneficiary Access to Specialty Pharmacies
- Overview of AWP Provisions for 2017 Contract Year
- Overview of 2017 Direct and Indirect Remuneration Fees