Member Benefits

NASP Members Only Portal

The NASP Member Portal houses a wealth of information and resources that are available to NASP members only. Topics include Lunch & Learn programs, Lunch with a Lawyer webinars, Roundtable webinars, podcasts, a directory of all NASP members, The Advocate, The Washington Update, corporate member spotlight, access to CEs and educational resources, and much more.

Annual Meeting & Expo

Each year in the fall, the specialty pharmacy industry’s best and brightest come together at the NASP Annual Meeting & Expo. Change makers convene to share best practices, make new connections and renew old friendships, enhance their knowledge through best-in-class educational programs, and help shape the future of specialty pharmacy. The meeting offers renowned keynote speakers, educational sessions and CEs, pre-conference workshops, NASP industry awards, exhibits, symposiums, and opportunities to learn from and network with industry decision-makers and experts. Member benefits include:

  • NASP Bucks which can be used to offset the cost of registration
  • Members only discounted registration fees
  • Preferred speaking opportunities

Complimentary Online CSP Exam Preparation Course

The Certified Specialty Pharmacist (CSP) Exam Preparation Course is designed to help CSP candidates prepare for the credentialing exam. Corporate members receive complimentary online courses — the number of courses varies by corporate membership level and package. NASP members also receive a discounted rate of $165 for the online CSP course vs. $350 for non-members.

CSP Certification and Recertification Discount: NASP members receive a $50 discount on Certified Specialty Pharmacist (CSP) certification application fees and a $25 discount on recertification application fees.

State Level Legislative Monitoring and Tracking Monthly Reports

Our monthly State Level Legislation Monitoring & Tracking program encompasses all 50 states and includes: pharmacy industry specific state level tracking, analysis, and reporting including State Boards of Pharmacy activity. Reports are delivered monthly directly to your email inbox on or about the 15th of each month. The State Level Report is complimentary for Palladium, Platinum, Gold, and Silver corporate member levels. Bronze corporate members who upgrade to Silver receive the report at no cost, as well as all the additional benefits offered at the Silver level. Corporate members who upgrade from Nickel to Bronze level OR from Copper to Nickel level may purchase the State Level Report for $2,000 per year and receive the additional benefits offered at the upgraded levels. For more information on membership levels and pricing, please visit here.

NASP Corporate Member Recognition

Corporate members are recognized on the NASP website and in the NASP Annual Meeting & Expo conference workbook. Also, each month, NASP shines a bright light four NASP corporate members, highlighting their unique contributions and positive impact on the specialty patient care journey. Companies participating in NASP’s Spotlight: Corporate Members of the Month program are featured on the NASP website, Member Portal, social media channels (LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter) and in an all-member email.

NASP Committee Participation

NASP’s army of dedicated volunteers truly is one of our most valuable resources. Committee participation allows you to connect with other NASP members, foster collaboration and cooperation, help formulate national policy, design educational program offerings, and shape the future of specialty pharmacy. NASP has nine committees: Clinical Outcomes, Customer Experience, Education, Government Affairs, Legal (restricted to legal professionals), Marketing, Membership, Student Association (SASP), and Technology. Committee participation is restricted to NASP members only.

Eligible for NASP Awards

Each year at the NASP Annual Meeting & Expo, we are proud to honor and recognize those organizations and individuals who go above and beyond to serve specialty pharmacy patients and support the industry. Our industry awards include: Caregiver of the Year, Distinguished Service, Specialty Pharmacy of the Year, Specialty Pharmacy Service Excellence, and Strategic Channel Partner of the Year. NASP members are eligible to submit industry award nominations and be nominated for these awards.

Pharmacy Technician Packages

NASP offers pharmacy technician packages that can be added to your corporate membership. The packages provide additional benefits designed for the pharmacy technicians in your organization.

NASP Podcast

NASP is proud to produce the NASP Podcast in partnership with the Pharmacy Podcast Network (PPN). The NASP Podcast provides our featured guests the opportunity to connect with listeners on a personal level and listeners the opportunity to tune in and learn when most convenient for them. PPN’s network of podcasts gathers approximately 40-50,000+ listeners per month with over 5 million total downloads/ listens since 2009. PPN distributes podcasts through all current podcast directories including iTunes, Apple podcast, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and TuneIn. Members can listen to all podcasts free of charge and corporate members can be featured on one complimentary podcast per year.

Lunch & Learn

The Lunch & Learn program for NASP members is designed to highlight more about what makes specialty pharmacy special. These one-hour presentations held on the second and fourth Thursday of each month feature clinical and technical educational updates and product and service informational programs that are beneficial for specialty pharmacy industry stakeholders. All NASP members can register to participate in Lunch & Learn programs and previously recorded programs are available on the NASP member portal. Corporate members may be featured in one Lunch & Learn program per year at no cost.

Roundtable Webinars

Roundtable webinars feature influential NASP members providing thought leadership and guidance on topics at the forefront of the rapidly changing and evolving specialty pharmacy industry. The webinars are structured as “Q&A” type sessions with questions submitted both in advance and during the webinar to the featured speaker(s). The intent, simply, is for participants to gain practical knowledge that can be applied strategically to improve their organization. NASP members may register to listen to the webinars. Previous sessions are available on the NASP member portal.

Educational / CE Programs

Members have access to the new and improved NASP Education Center and the NASP Catalog of 75+ CE programs offering CE credit for pharmacists, clinical nurses, and pharmacy technicians. The CE activities are available to ALL employees within corporate member organizations. Certified Specialty Pharmacist (CSP) candidates and those with the CSP credential who need to re-certify find the NASP catalog of programs extremely valuable.

NASP members are eligible to be an Education Center program presenter through an application process.

Job Board

NASP has a Job Board on our website — and it’s easy to use! Your job postings appear on the NASP public-facing website and the NASP member portal for approximately 30 days. If the position is filled during that time or you would like the position to remain on the Job Board for an additional 30 days, just let us know. The Job Board can be viewed here.

NASP Marketplace

The NASP Marketplace provides a listing of member only special discounts or benefits offered by NASP members and partners to NASP members. NASP members and partners can market their business to more than 3,000 NASP members and 185 specialty pharmacies and specialty pharmacy stakeholder organizations. To view the NASP Marketplace, please click here.

Taylor & Francis | Current Medical Research & Opinion

CMRO is a 50-year-old, MEDLINE-indexed, international original research medical journal published by Taylor & Francis and a NASP partnered journal. CMRO publishes research focused on new and existing drugs and therapies, best practices in patient care, developments in diagnostic medicine and medical technology, and innovations in medical and scientific publishing. CMRO welcomes clinically relevant original research and reviews, brief reports, case series, and commentaries across all therapy areas, especially research pertaining to efficacy, equivalence, and safety. 

Publishing with CMRO incurs no publication fees via the standard track timeline. NASP members also have the opportunity to join the CMRO editorial board and to serve as a per reviewer.

Accepted abstracts from the National Association of Specialty Pharmacy Annual Meeting & Expo, are published Open Access as a supplement in CMRO and are accessible via the NASP and Taylor & Francis Online websites.

NASP Patient Satisfaction Survey Program

In collaboration with the SullivanLuallin Group (SLG), NASP has developed a recognized industry-standard patient satisfaction survey to address the unique drivers of patient engagement and satisfaction aligning with our goal of supporting specialty pharmacies with accurate data and insights, fostering continuous improvement, and enhancing the patient experience and outcomes. SLG is one of the nation’s most recognized providers of patient experience assessment and consulting services. The organization has worked with more than 2,500 healthcare organizations, including hospitals, medical groups, and health systems. Its surveys are distributed to over one million patients every year.

NASP corporate members at Nickel level and above, receive either:

NASP Standard Survey Program* participation at no charge (a $1,695 value) which includes:

  • Email survey distribution only
  • Standard NASP survey, no custom questions
  • Single wave survey distribution of up to 10,000 patients
  • Access to Summary Report, Statistical Significance Report, Comments Report only
  • Access to NASP benchmarking database

NASP Enhanced Survey Program participation at NASP member pricing (includes a $1,695 NASP funded credit and additional savings over non-member pricing). Pricing is $4,359 for emailed surveys, or $9,110 for mailed surveys, and includes:

  • Scalable in frequency and volume (pricing adjusts respectively)
  • Two-wave survey distribution of up to 2,500 patients (mail, unlimited for email)
  • Full reporting
  • Access to NASP benchmarking database
  • Annual Presentation of Findings

The Advocate

NASP publishes a quarterly newsletter, The Advocate, providing industry information, member information, and updates on all that is happening across our organization. Hear about upcoming events, webinars, NASP committee updates, educational opportunities, advocacy efforts, and more.

Washington Update

The Washington Update is published bi-weekly, highlights everything government affairs related, and is delivered directly to NASP members’ email inbox. The newsletter simplifies the complex healthcare issues being discussed and debated in America today and gives NASP members access to crucial information surrounding policy changes and healthcare reform.

Specialty Pharmacy SmartBrief

As a benefit of corporate membership, SmartBrief is offering a special discount on advertising. Corporate members can now save between 5-15% depending on membership level.  

More than 2,850 CEOs Chief Pharmacy Officers, pharmacy directors and specialty pharmacy executives and decision makers subscribe to Specialty Pharmacy SmartBrief and receive industry updates and insights delivered directly to their email inboxes three times per week. Try the custom content features to create your own unique ad.  

NASP Corporate Members receive a members only discount. To learn more about how NASP members can save on SmartBrief advertising, please click here.

To take advantage of this NASP member benefit, please contact

The Institute for Safe Medication Practices

Agency accreditation standards require that specialty pharmacies establish strong infrastructures and operations for medication safety and safe patient management. This includes continuous improvement initiatives and proactive risk assessments and processes to identify potential problems and ensure the best possible outcomes for patients. The Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) can help by providing actionable guidance and practical strategies for anyone involved in handling risk throughout the specialty pharmacy medication management process. 

ISMP offers NASP members:

  • 10% discount on Medication Safety Intensive workshops for community/specialty pharmacy
  • 10% discount on ISMP Medication Safety Alert!® Community/Ambulatory Care newsletter subscriptions (single site only)
  • Discount on ISMP’s Medication Safety Specialty Pharmacy Membership (schedule demo for details)

NASP Members please sign in to the Member Portal, navigate to Membership Resources and go to NASP Marketplace to claim your discounts. Not a member? Join today.

About NASP Levels and Pricing