Spotlight Corporate Member of the Month, June 2023

Jun 01, 2023 · Members in the News

NASP is pleased to announce theJune Spotlight: NASP Corporate Members of the Month! 
This month, we’ll introduce you to a non-profit pharmacy division of the world’s largest HIV and AIDS healthcare provider, delivering cutting-edge medicine regardless of a patient’s ability to pay; a global leader in medical device training solutions, patient onboarding strategies, and user-centered solutions that improve the patient experience; a Minneapolis-based non-profit specialty pharmacy handling every facet of the specialty prescription process; and an accrediting organization that partners with industry professionals seeking to demonstrate their ability to meet official regulatory requirements and standards.
The NASP corporate members featured in June are: 

AHF Pharmacy 
Noble International 
Fairview Specialty Pharmacy
Accreditation Commision on Health Care , Inc.  

These incredible organizations ARE NASP. Through Spotlight, we strive to increase awareness about the amazing work they do, as we continue to deepen awareness about what makes specialty pharmacy so special.  

Please watch your email inbox and social media to learn more about your fellow members. We invite you to learn, meet, and connect through Spotlight!