Fairview Named NASP Specialty Pharmacy of the Year; Tim Safley Receives NASP Distinguished Service Award
Congratulations to Fairview Specialty Pharmacy, the 2019 NASP Specialty Pharmacy of the Year!
The Specialty Pharmacy of the Year Award is a coveted award honoring a specialty pharmacy that demonstrates exceptional service, performance and quality in the areas of:
- Community involvement
- Patient satisfaction
- Cost management
- Quality/performance improvement initiatives
- Innovation in the field of specialty pharmacy, which includes patient care and outcomes, disease state and therapy management, and patient engagement.
This year, NASP received 13 nominations for Specialty Pharmacy of the Year. The nominations are submitted by active NASP members and include a 2,500-word essay describing their merits in each of the categories mentioned.
Congratulations to Tim Safley, Program Director for the Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC), the winner of the 2019 NASP Distinguished Service Award.
The Distinguished Service Award is given to an individual who has made a sustained and meaningful contribution to NASP. Individuals are nominated by an active NASP member. The nominations include a 500-word statement that describes why the person merits the award and describes the nonfinancial contributions of the nominee both to NASP and to the specialty pharmacy industry. Below is an excerpt from Tim’s nomination.
Tim Safley has been a supporter of NASP since the very beginning. He made sure that his organization – ACHC — was one of the first corporate members and has maintained corporate membership throughout his association with NASP. He has been a significant contributor to the Clinical Outcomes Committee and he volunteered to lead one of their workgroups. As a direct result of his leadership, NASP has been able to move forward with the development of outcomes measures. He has always been an NASP advocate, encouraging others to get involved, and has brought many new members to the organization.
Congratulations to Tim Safley and Fairview Specialty Pharmacy.