Change Healthcare Cyberattack Update

Feb 29, 2024 · Advocacy

We want to provide you with an update on the Change Healthcare cyberattack. We appreciate the serious impact this has had on our specialty pharmacy members and their patients. We are continuing to closely monitor this situation and have engaged with:

Here is what NASP has been advised by Optum:

  1. Optum stated they are prioritizing recovery of the pharmacy network and restoring pharmacy capabilities, but they don’t know when their system will be fully restored/operational.
  2. Optum stated they will pay for ALL appropriate prescriptions.
  3. Optum stated they are currently exploring options to support pharmacy cash flow.
  4. Optum asked to be notified of any continuity of care issues through their pharmacy help desk.
  5. At NASP’s urging, Optum acknowledged a more coordinated communication plan to pharmacies is needed to provide timely information to all affected. They said they have sent blast faxes, emails and made calls to their contacts. They promised to provide communications to NASP, and we will disseminate any information received immediately.
  6. Optum is not aware of any PHI information was compromised through the cyberattack and is continuing to investigate what information has been compromised.

If you are unable to submit claims, Optum recommends:

  1. If you have access to an alternate vendor, use them for claims processing.
  2. If you cannot switch to another vendor:
    • In good faith, perform due diligence and use your offline processes to dispense medications to your patients.
    • When the Change system comes back online, submit all claims.
    • Optum’s pharmacy portal and help desk are available to check eligibility and formulary status.
    • Manual claims may be submitted for payment.

We will continue to maintain close communications, push for updates and timelines, and share them with you when they are received.